Are you guilty of this? ⬇️


Regret is, in my opinion, one of the most uncomfortable and frustrating emotions we can experience as humans. It sucks, because at its core it’s about self-blame. Blaming yourself for not doing something differently. It’s so much easier when we blame other people for our problems or mistakes, like YouTubers or Instagrammers whose advice doesn’t work for us (lol), or our parents.

Regret is also firmly attached to the unchangeable past, which we have no control over, and for traders it’s always lurking in the shadows of missed opportunities and “wrong” decisions. It often arises from actions taken or opportunities missed in the market.

It’s a really natural emotion, but the mistake attached to regret lies in dwelling too long on past trades, leading to emotional distress and clouding your judgment for future decisions.

There’s two ways I’ve learned to dodge the regret trap. First is self-compassion: everybody, including you and me, is doing their best and making decisions they feel are right in the moment. The other way is by adopting a forward-thinking mindset. Embracing a strategy grounded in learning from mistakes rather than dwelling on them is key.

Life is short — don’t waste it on regret. 💪

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2024-04-16 23:10:20

i've been
fuse as of late ah