How your choices are building blocks for your dream life ↓

Read this quick story time to help you understand the concept of the ‘self love investment’ ⬇️

Last night I was sitting in my bed, tired and sick + having PMS symptoms, with a hot bowl of soup in my hands, and just bawling my eyes out.

I wanted to be taken care of.

Understandably, because I was just sick and tired (literally) and felt like I had spent all day taking care of others.

In that moment, instead of feeding into any negative emotions. I just took a deep breath and reminded myself of all the ways that I am taken care of:

❤️‍🔥 I was sitting in a warm bed that my dad built for me years ago.

❤️‍🔥 I had a warm bowl of nourishing soup in my hands that I had just cooked for myself.

❤️‍🔥 I am actively building a life for myself that I love.
— That one got me.

I have been ✨actively building✨ my dream life for about 2 years now.

BUT I have held the same exact vision for this dream life for over 10 years.

The difference in these past 2 years has been the intentional choices I’ve made in my self-love investment.

🦋 The choice I made 2 years ago to invest in a yoga teacher training makes me feel loved today.

🦋 The choice I made 1 year ago to quit my job and study healing techniques in Asia makes me feel loved today.

🦋 The choice I made yesterday to go to bed early so I wake up fresh makes me feel loved today.

You see, these small choices made in pivotal moments are the literal building blocks for your future.

For the ladies looking to invest in them selves today, I have a life-changing opportunity for you…

Today, I have launched my first ever 9-week energy healing program called Journey Back to Self.

There’s room for only 4 women in this program, as I would love to give you the individual support and attention you deserve.

If you are interested in learning energy work, healing from your past, and building your dream life with the support of a community of like minded women then comment JOURNEY and I will send you a link for the application form!

I am going live @5 pm EST to answer any questions you have + talk about energy work in general. See you there!

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2024-02-21 17:10:43

eight steps to low confidence long to-do lists dirty shoes overthink undergo long aided between idea and execution perfectionism discomfort with your own ugliness and a fragile
think about it