"Talent Means Nothing In This Game" 💎🔥💯

@fastlane_entertainment_ #thescore #RobertDeNiro #EdwardNorton #talentMeansNothing #choices #discipline #hardwork #itsenvitable #shorts
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2024-05-09 01:27:26

i'm gonna say something to you
you're small you're talented you know a few things fatalities invested in this game if you'll make the right choices
there's plenty of talent people out there who never see the light of day anymore
thanks discipline
because this whole game is one big mugshot and if you don't have the discipline to stay away from the flyers for gambles whatever else you want to call a stupid move
and my friend i'm afraid to say one day you will go down
it's inevitable
my life
make a list of everything you want now
and then plan on spending the next twenty five years of your life getting it
slowly piece by piece