SpaceX is valued at $180B and is still a private company, which is still run by Elon Musk. Here was the office tour from 13 years ago.

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2024-05-08 23:57:08

welcome to spacex hero in the lobby it's very white right now but there are actually some some cool
elements coming in soon that
will make it less light
in the front of the building we have our engineering offices and
space for about three hundred people per floor and we've got
a total of about three floors that we can open right now only the first floor is occupied
we try to aid personally which is a very open plan
to maximize communication and make it sort of fairly nice-looking
this place used to
be quite dismal that's that's my office over there actually
we were really trying to minimize
the number of offices that we have
doors limit communication everyone at the company with the exception of a few people in like a char and finance actually
are in queue