Why Boxing is the best for street fight. #motivation #mindset #tate
Avatar of trwinvitation


2024-05-08 22:36:55

is the number one and i'm a kickboxer and i'll say that boxing is the best thing to do and is there's a few reasons for that but the primary reason is that the number one rule of street fights that you never want to go to the ground a lot of people practised jujitsu wrestling judo these things but you don't want to be doing that on the ground on industry fight because one a lot of these moves a lot of wrestling moves don't work the same when when all all bets are off and they can bite when they can i gouge those kind of things as the first thing too you don't know who his friends are i mean you really want to be rolling around the floor the dude in his brain comes up and football kicks you in the head no you don't three he might have a blade on him he pulls a blade out in the middle of a wrestling match you're done for you don't wanna get arrested i mean with boxing you can just hit one to bang and ron you don't know he might have twenty friends in the place and i have a weapon on him like am i a guy i'm running almost standing around to be rocking him and be proud of myself i'm out because rule one of life is do not die i mean i'm gonna kick box on the world level kickboxer so my legs are probably some of the best in the planet and how often am i gonna kick on the street in jeans and a crowded nightclub never just gonna punch so boxing's the one