Amazing words, Brotha! This Speech Made Me A Huge Fan. You Deserve That Belt, Champ!
Avatar of _scotthendrickson_


2024-05-08 22:05:20

i'm here with dr my
hubs are still on the feet and what a fantastic bike
guys you know what's happening in the world now right now
i was happy indication
pike this week
foresee the kids dying
it does imagine
what they were in the war ukraine
palestine you say doesn't matter
when kids die
i love the kids
and waiting for me back
home is only two months
if you just kind of high know how much beautiful and when somebody dies
guys i don't know what to say
in shila will be putting the wall
i hope some
muslim christian
jewish doesn't matter
please guys
be together
let us live live in this world
let us get hundred
thank you guys