The best part?

This is just one of the ways you can save money on taxes as a couple.

You can reduce your taxable income on your W2 using real estate and the power of marriage.

And you can do much more than this.

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2024-05-08 21:21:40

you're still paying we're moving out wait why we just moved here a year and a half ago yeah but obviously not much property has gone up since then we'll make over a hundred thousand dollars if you sell and move right now yeah but we'll have to pay over fifteen thousand dollars in capital gains tax if we do that let's wait six months instead so we can use the section one twenty one exclusion wait what's that fellow here too the last five years they can sell this place and not pay any capital gains tax up to two hundred fifty thousand dollars for single but since we're married we can exclude up to five hundred thousand dollars doing why if you become a lot smarter way we came this video and follow for more