" Don't start the business day until you get to the office " 🗣💯 #jimrohn
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2024-05-08 18:41:02

i have a little rule that says don't start the business day till you get to the office i used to start my business day in the shower
or at the breakfast table and it just missed up a lot of things
i'm sitting at the breakfast table guess where my mind is
at the office
i even got mixed up going to the beach and
you know trying to you know do some relaxing time
but sure enough when i'm in the office i'm thinking about
the beach and when i'm on the beach i'm saying i should be
at the office now see that's mixed up
wherever you are be there
if you're at the breakfast table be there when you're having a conversation with somebody be there
when you're on your way to work be there enjoy the ride
take a look around you what's going on study human nature what's happening you know be there