We have to accept the fact that Men are lonely which means they definitely need a community to support them . Men's loneliness is a complex issue influenced by societal expectations, stigma around vulnerability, and diverse individual experiences. Addressing it involves fostering open conversations, promoting mental health support, and challenging stereotypes that may hinder emotional expression.
Tags : #man #lonely #love #sad #sadlife #lonely #love #man #manlife #boylife #moyemoye #trends #trending #boylife #mansad #sadman #sadsongs #sadvideos #sadlife
Avatar of inspirationwithankit


2024-05-08 16:59:25

dude men are fucking horrible
people don't seem to understand that
seventy seven percent of suicides
every five minutes
a man commits suicide
dude like who's gonna fucking step up and be like yo i thought you guys like hey you know there's a couple of guys obviously they're getting censored