one minute prayer before bed if you believe in the power of prayer this is for you and pass this on to someone who needs it
as this day comes to an end and i prepare for rest
i turn to you god
in gratitude
thank you for the gift of this day
for the experiences joys and even the challenges it brought
i humbly seek your protection lord as i lay down to sleep
watch over me my loved ones and all those in need
guard us against harm and grant us a peaceful slumber
i confess my shortcomings and ask for your forgiveness
for the moments when i fell short and for any unkind words spoken
i ask for your boundless mercy
grant me a serene and undisturbed sleep lord
calm my restless thoughts and fill my dreams with your presence
surround me with your peace and comfort
i place my hope and faith in you jesus
for you are my strength and refuge
guide me through the night and lead me into the new day
knowing that you are with me
thank you god
for your enduring love which never ceases to amaze me
in your name i pray
if you made it this far drop an amen in the comments and save this prayer for the future