Learn to mirror your customer! source: russflipswhips on TikTok
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2024-05-08 15:45:19

top things i see new car salesmen and salesmen in general struggle with is learning how to mirror their customer what that means when a customer comes in you have to match their personality type now this isn't some like scheme or trick that's gonna make the customer fall in love with you but really in my opinion what does is makes you not annoy the customer or turn them off
if you get someone who talks like me and talks really fast and your slow talker you need to pick it up a little bit when i go places and somebody doesn't move at a certain pace i get annoyed really quick
now you get that old lady or that customer who just talks real slow and cannot rush then you need to slow down and that's something i've learned over the years to do you need to match the energy and tonality of your customer because then you're they're gonna start to like you because you're gonna you're gonna be acting like them and people love themselves so they meet someone who acts like them they're really gonna like the customer the salesmen out there with this is a super easy skill to learn anyone can do it all you have to do is really just listen to your customer within a minute or two of talking to them you will fully understand what type of personality they are and you just go from there but if you want to take your salesmanship to the next level are highly highly highly recommend doing some self reflecting and think you know what i probably didn't know that lady because i was talking too fast or you know what that customer was getting an off me cause i'm taking too long
but let me know in the comments what you guys think about this for more content like this fall restless whips