👉 Buy and Sell Land (without spending a DIME) and 10x your cash flow in 2024. 🤩

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2024-05-09 01:02:21

salon wholesaling is basically you take a piece of land worth fifty thousand dollars fine the owner that owned it for thirty five years the kids don't want it they don't want it to live two thousand miles away they don't care about it anymore and put it on a contract for eight thousand dollars happens every day then what you do is it simply turn around and sell it for twenty five k and after closing costs who make fifteen thousand dollars on a deal the nice part about that s because it's land you don't have to go visited you don't have to go inspect it you don't have to go see it you don't have to estimate repair skill have to do anything of that because there's google earth google street view google maps google topographical map there's quality websites you don't have to see anything other property so matter of fact my wife and i and our team have we have done over forty five hundred land deals
and the last time i went actively out to look at my life one of my landfills was two thousand and seven