my sister came to me with with a book the secret preaching the law of attraction
and i was like
i wasn't interested i was almost laughing at it and then it started to resonate with me like will keep positive i have belief in where you're going and you can almost visually
create your entire world no
not almost you actually can yes you can and then i was like
i'm going to do that and i will do that and then that's when i begun to practice it i would practice
like little parts of it like well when we were driving into shopping mall i would always visualize that the car park space right at the front all be empty for me waiting first apollo
and sometimes i'd get it and sometimes i wouldn't get it you know when i kept building on that and i became so damn good at it that i was able to go into bouts against undefeated fighters with insane fighting legacies and i was able to go in front of the world and tell the world i'm gonna knock this manner with this exact shot at this exact time and i don't have back to back to back