@3rdeyevisionsunlimited speaks about Vital Mineral (Vitamins) and good sugar found in fruits . #fruits #vitamin #holistichealing
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2024-05-08 23:55:45

good sugar when people talk about sugar cause you're not eating fruits for sugar
that's another thing don't let anyone try to control your mind and put you in a box somewhere
we don't ever eat any food
first and foremost
for the flavor
let's get that straight
and it'll get you with that word oh it's flavor no you eat for
vital mineral
tom in
yeah that's where that word comes from via toe
so they took a v vita of the vital
in the men first part of the mineral of get put together you go vitamin
are we so that's the key why why otherwise why consume it
if it's memory this is a divine temple we do not defile the temple we want the spirit
of the most high
your highest spirit to dwell richly within you
this is the temple when you become the solar man
was the wisest man i'm the solar man standing outside literally in the sun right now
so as above so below
as within so without
when you are the solar man and you know that
and the knowledge is between
your word we keep the knowledge in the temple this is why decided your heads call the temple
and the knowledge but in temple your
your rule by