Elevate by association! I found my path to fulfillment and impact by asking a crucial question daily: “If I had unlimited time, money, and connections, what would I be doing?” I knew that even if I didn’t have these things now, I could learn to create the time, learn to raise the money, and tap into bigger networks. Despite my math skills, I knew I could figure it out.
To access the next level, I gave myself the gift of time and immersed myself in mastermind groups with individuals already at the level I aspired to reach. Surrounding myself with that energy not only revealed what success looked like but also showed me the path. Every transition from one level to another involved infiltrating groups that already embodied my aspirations.
The magic happens when you immerse yourself in the energy of those who’ve achieved what you desire—it’s transformative, almost like osmosis. So, I kept placing myself in those rooms, absorbing the knowledge, and evolving step by step. If you’re seeking growth, surround yourself with the energy of your aspirations, and watch how it propels you forward!
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2024-05-08 22:41:55

as i went into my next level i wanted to make sure that it was a next level that i really love doing every day and it was something that really brought a lot of fulfillment and a lot of impact
and i asked these
questions to myself every single day if i had all the time all the money and all the network in the world what would i be doing
and so when once i got that answer because i knew that i could create the time i knew that i could somehow create the money or learn how to raise it even though i have an eighth grade math level
and i also knew that i could tap into all of these networks so for me to access the next next level i gave myself some time but then also started
getting in masterminds and in groups with the people who were at the level that i was thinking that i wanted
so getting around that energy started to show me what that looked like and it also gave me the path so every time i've transitioned from level to level i simply infiltrate into the groups that already have what i want and it evolves you it just does by osmosis and so i kept putting myself in those rooms over and over