If you’re not in a relationship with your clients… I promise you someone else is…

#GlenndaBaker #RealEstate #AtlantaRealEstate #Relationship #ClientRelationship #GoogleGlennda #GlenndaGram
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2024-05-09 00:17:12

you ever been a more important time to go deep in relationship the people that truly believe in me those people are not gonna leave you they believe in your skill they believe in your talent they want to know that you're in the boat with them i personally believe that this is the most challenging real estate market ever for consumers the reason is is because they're getting information from so many different people people don't know what to think about real estate bringing in a trusted person into a relationship that is what they want that's what they're willing to pay for what they're not going to pay for anymore is the hid it included agents the agent that puts a sign and a lockbox that agent who's setting up that automated search is sending you forty different houses every day that agent you might as well go ahead and get you a job at mcdonalds