why can i continue with this routine
going to the gym being better waking up early eating the right foods
is because
maybe it's your kids maybe it's your wife maybe it's your job
it's all just tucked in your brain
you are having compartmentalised and organized in these nice shelves like you look in a garage a nice organized militant garage poe where my dumbbells right there
a lot of people whose bread here's my dose wow look
it's almost job done
so how am i gonna put discipline
in that mind if i can't find other shots you gotta be able to find all these different things in your mind oh i can put discipline right there
i could put consistency right there i could put all these things right there in that spot your mind has to always be clear that's why i meditate two hours every single night
because i refreshed i reorganized the garage which is my mind every night
everything is in this right spot
so my wake-up i'm ready to go