Brandon money Carter bank account system πŸ’°

More bags more money πŸ†
Stay woke and broke πŸ˜…

Don’t sit there trying to manifest it into reality lol.
Avatar of kingketo


2024-05-08 19:34:54

i don't want to be broke here's what you should have five bank accounts this a system that had developed is based off a book called profit first one of the counts is where all your money comes in you have multiple jobs with different sources of incomes everything gets deposited in just one account there are no automatic charges no debit cards associated with it it's only reason is to collect the money you're going to disperse the money in those counts amongst the other four counts count number one is the investment account just the most important one this one is going to lift your ex out of poverty fifty percent of your income goes into this investment account only use that money on things that will make you more money the next account operations account all your living expenses thirty percent of your income goes there okay live off thirty percent of my income that's why i make more money next account taxes you're going to pay your texas out of this account fifteen percent of your income should go there and then
five percent goes into the baller account this is what you're going to use on just fun stuff and that's why you need five bank accounts