Follow @calltoleap for investing videos! Know the 5 things you shouldn’t do until you are rich!

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2024-05-08 18:05:55

five things to not do until you're rich one don't buy a lavish lifestyle don't buy luxuries like jewelry designer clothes or luxury cars that you know that you can't afford instead you need to buy assets that are going to grow in time like real estate and stocks to stop getting food delivered to your home cook your food instead it doesn't make sense to make two hundred dollars a day and spend fifty dollars on food that you could have made at home for ten dollars three don't go into debt all these finance gurus say that they go into debt to leverage themselves but that is not the same as consumer debt the deeper you go into debt the worse your credit score is going to be and the harder it's going to be to make larger purchases later on four never stop learning and keep increasing your skills because we are replaceable the world is changing too fast and you need to make sure that you're ahead of the curve five never take advice from people who don't have evidence you probably don't want to take fitness advice from someone who's overweight or obese and you don't want to take money advice from someone who's broke remember success leaves clues i hope this video helps follow to learn more