@jpmorgan & @chase CEO Jamie Dimon Presents Scale Of Operations In A Short Video.

FUN FACT: JPMorgan & Chase’s oldest predecessor institution isn’t a bank but a water company known as ‘The Manhattan Company’ which was founded in 1799 and later diversified into finance, laying the foundation for the financial giant we know today.

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2024-05-08 09:48:14

remove ten trillion dollars
around the world every day and hundred and twenty currencies and one hundred and sixty countries daily and we safeguard wound twenty nine trillion in assets jpmorgan chase expended extended in total one point seven trillion in credit to consumers and corporation to twenty twenty three
we bank america's largest multinational corporations around the world we bank other banks and institutions
such as mortgage finance companies insurance companies the world bank i m f community banks mdrs cdf guys
we underwrite large and complex municipal bonds would provide government's financing for roads bridges schools and airports
in the us we serve more than eighty million customers six million small businesses
we are a top lender in every rural state serving medium and large companies local governments universities farms and manufacturers
providing almost one hundred billion dollars of credit and capital to clients
in rural and small towns and we help americans more businesses manage the money and finance their dreams