why did they destroy all the bills after world war two because if you sit in a bill and someone hits it and it begins to resonate you can begin to heal
like that because sound frequency instantaneously heals the body similar to chanting if you own any sound
will begin to instantly structure all the body at the same time that's what used to happen in the cathedrals they would bring the bills or they would play the pipe organs and all of the cells in the body would instantaneously become structured which would instantly heal them but they had to get rid of the pipe organs which are made from lead which is interesting and they had to get rid of the bells because both of those can heal people now imagine if a bell of the size was ringing in a cathedral now imagine the frequency that would come out of the cathedral into the town you could heal the entire town instantaneously just by ringing the bell in the cathedral that's why they had to get rid of him they had to break all those bills all the bills you have to lookup just type in my bell in whatever country or city you're in and notice all the bills have cracking them and their broken i wonder why that is and people would say oh it's a conspiracy and that's just made up no no there's intention there's intention to get rid of these things so that were dependent on a sip care so