i'm not one hundred percent exits that jesus raised from the dead because if you cannot give me that then that makes the bible incredible ma'am i can't i don't base my life on one hundred percent proof
well maybe that's your problem
oh you do
you base your life on one hundred percent proof yes
oh really
that's why i'm skeptical of everything really
so that means you take a chemistry kit to the pharmacy and when the pharmacist hand you that bottle of medicine you chemically analyze it to make sure there's no poison in there right that's why there's no shame hundred percent proof
you would never dare take that pill and put it in your mouth
because maybe the pharmacist put poison in there
yes i don't base it one hundred percent
right come you base your life on hundred percent know you
are nine of us do that's not it's not possible you can't
you can't do that
alright you can't do that ma'am i'm sorry that's why i go to department and i researched i go to my doctor nass what is this person giving me and why should i take it that's what i do
i do not go around and say hey i'm gonna open my book at the university of illinois and just take everything they say and and take it as a truth of course i ask questions
you'll never hear skeptic hundred percent skeptic
you've got your daddy right now turn to a lot of people maybe they got a knife in your pocket are going to stick you in the back and try to get that you cannot be one hundred percent skeptic if i die on to trust you've got to learn to trust if you don't trust you're gonna be very lonely person