this crypto twitter account is making people millionaires check this out
said bitcoin will visit these two targets in the not too distant future thirty five and forty k
that post was from october twenty fifth
bitcoin october twenty fifth was there for that it went from thirty one
austin through the targets of thirty five and forty all the way to forty five k
absolutely nailed it
it gets crazier
on august ninth said this is why i'm so bullish on bit tenser tao
i was around here and the price of tau was fifty dollars then it exploded to nearly four hundred dollars anyone following this guy is making millions but there's more on july twelfth that the top two ai picks were awry chain and bit tenser chao
post about awry chain was around here and the price was two dollars before it ripped to nearly eight dollars people that are following these posts are printing cash about this one
posted about fxi but it had a price of point zero zero nine i was exactly there before another explosion
so posting d gen hundred x leverage plays better working out going through every crypto narrative and altcoin you need to know
this is not financial advice but to check out all these calls in real time it's at jolly green money on twitter or you can click there and then it's right there