"Do you WANT the GLORY? Are you SO SURE that it wouldn't just get in your way?? There's something to be said for ANONYMITY!" 🌟

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2024-05-02 19:03:37

it's not in your head
it's in one point five million subscribers it's how many podcasts have you done seven hundred okay so it's in seven hundred podcasts it's not something you're carrying around in your head you remember
i loved the forty two roles that created the twenty four you ended up going up and it was one that you didn't use
if you have to choose
be the one who does things right not the one who is seen to do jackie absolutely i loved that role oh yeah that's a great rule
that's a great rule
yeah well the thing is is that
you can do almost anything you want if you're willing to take responsibility for it if you don't want credit
i asked just like how the hell did you pull this off and she said
oh i decided thirty years ago that
i could do whatever i wanted if i didn't want credit
and show that's exactly what she's done
and she's had a stellar career stellar
and i've worked with other people who've done the same things like hey do you want the glory are you so sure that that wouldn't just get your way
you know there's something to be said for anonymity and second maybe you want the responsibility because that's the adventure you actually get to do the thing that someone else just wants to take credit for what may be doing the thing is
plenty of reward in and of itself
with regard to identity
know when when i was
professor i was also a husband and i was also a father
those were identities but they weren't in my hand