Nature speaks the language of energy. When we tap into our intuitive inner wisdom, we find that we can speak that language too.

When we are tuned into the energetic level of Reality, the energy field others are carrying will become “louder” to us than their own words and actions. This ability only resides within the Heart 💚
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2024-05-08 12:19:33

every human has an energy field around their body we sometimes call the taurus field
or in science it's called the biofield and this energy field actually carries all the frequency that we're holding in our shockers so when we're full of negative energy nature consents that have you ever seen your dog or your cat around someone with really bad energy they know right away don't they but likewise when someone has really good energy
animals will be drawn to them because the more hard shocker is opened through the energies of love and oneness and the desire to be of service it makes our energy field more attractive more radiant more harmonious and when we're living with that radiant state of being you might just find out that nature takes notice are you able to sense the energy of others
let me know in the comments