and million our business yeah i created a multi-million dollar business by twenty years old wholesaling real estate
guys if he can become a millionaire before he's twenty years old and he started at sixteen so i will say it took him four years i personally know him
i also know this kid don official he joined us i'm gonna tag him in this post he was seventeen years old within his first month he made thirty nine thousand dollars
now he's making fifty thousand dollars a month as an eighteen year old
in my first month i made fifty thousand dollars
but in thirty days of finding out what wholesaling was i made fifty grand
so now you know what wholesaling is
you're flipping properties without buying them in essence
you're just getting two contracts at different prices and you're getting the difference between them so you're flipping houses without the risk
now you have no excuse
you can either continue working a shit job making shit money
or you can take action
and change your life
you're really going to live a twenty year old beat you