20 October

China 🇨🇳 and Russia 🇷🇺 will supply Iran with arms for the war against Israel as this war will become a major Middle East war sending OIL and Gold sky high and causing markets to tank.

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2024-05-08 09:18:57

you're going to be successful
get yourself a mento
you want to be rich follow this channel to get educated you get knowledge he gets support and you get everything all for free let's kick off
iran is going to enter the war in the middle east you've got china supporting iran and you've got russia supporting iran biden has just approved a massive sales of arms massive support of arms deal to asia to help them fight hamas but this war is going to develop into a broader arena you can have hizballah in lebanon get involved you can have iran and you can have russia and china minimum supporting iran and even supplying arms weapons and logistics to that particular axis oil is going to continue going up go is gonna continue going up and the stock market is going to continue falling
the tenure the tenure u s treasury yield just touched five percent yesterday that's the highest it's been
twenty years twenty five years i don't even know how many men checked into it now that is an indication that interest rates are going to go up that year this high markets are going to go down you can look at the nasdaq falling you look at the sep poorly look at the dow for yesterday they tanked they went up when germy powell was when you have powell jerome powell j jerome powell was giving his speech went up and then the markets absolutely tanked you ought to be empowered get a mentor catchy later