Pizza in Iran is well… see the video

I liked the non-alcoholic beer though! Surprisingly good and refreshing.

#iran #pizza #pizzalover #iranianfood #tehran
Avatar of authentic_traveling


2024-05-02 16:00:39

what is it like to eat pizza in iran or at a pizza restaurant in tehran and the first thing we're going to try this non alcoholic peach beer called heyday alcohol is officially illegal in iran but i am told is not the heart development regardless i love this kind of beer tastes like normal beer but it's way lighter and has way less calories extra trying the sandwich or maybe it's a hotdog i don't know but it was really good and it's a popular snack here and
finally we got the pizza so iranians love to put hot sauce ketchup even bally's on reddit so i ordered a recipe pizza and let me just say you don't come to iran for that means
maybe there's a reason they put so many condiments on anyways there is farben food to eat here in iran