Thoughts ?? @chriswillx 🗣💯 #MoisFearless
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2024-05-08 10:33:24

and about this
this idea called the region beta paradox right so
the region be a paradox imagine that if you were to go a mile or less you would walk it
and if you were to go more than a mile you would drive it
paradoxically you would go two miles quicker than you would go one mile
that means that sometimes worse situations can be better than better situations and this is an issue when if you only decide to act after you cross a certain threshold of badness or whatever
you can end up being stuck in region beta so for instance the friend that should leave his job really really needs to leave his job but it's just about possible his boss isn't that much of a dick maybe the benefits are okay or whatever
or the person that's in a relationship with someone that they really don't want to stay with and it's not that brilliant but it's not that bad they don't abuse them everything's okay the person that stays in an apartment it's got some mold on the ceiling with not too much mold and whatever
all of these people would be better off if the situations were worse because it would galvanize them into actually doing something
you can get stuck in this chasm of comfortable complacency that sits somewhere in the middle if things are good great no problem if things are bad
activation energy to go and make them good if things are just about possible
to end up being comfortably numb
yeah yeah that's not good