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The Worst Thing about being Average according to #andrewtate
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2024-04-29 13:19:18

worst thing about being average is now you know your chick average dudes so not every average man can take your cheek when she goes to buy a starbucks comes back with a phone number you gotta be careful so the only way to win is just to be a je voor je so many problems go away women ain't gonna wanna downgrade not gonna go for meat and just get with anyone and i tell every single man who watches my stuff you can be as important as i am if you're prepared to go through what i've been through and work as hard as i work i can't sleep at night
my shit i can't buy and do shit i can't do if i see a dude with things i don't have i'm like nah the average man doesn't work very hard so if you work very hard it's impossible to be