How I Discovered God - @erictway with Kelly Stamps on the @trykarat pod; watch at link in bio
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2024-05-02 16:20:42

i grew up in a non-religious household
never went to church in college i was really depressed and a friend of my sophomore year came and just slay helped me feel better and i remember asking her like why are you doing this and she was like well my faith was like oh that's really interesting i'm like i don't believe in god but if leaving god has produced this lovely human being here in front of me i should learn more so i went to church and over time i was like okay
you're clearly are points of just complete faith like you're never gonna be able to reason your way to it you can get as close as you want but there's always going to be a leap that you just have to willingly choose to make and hey if you make it there are a lot of other things you can reason out that kind of follow from it and it's like you know what i will consciously choose to make that jump