The “Lock It Away” Trading Strategy 🔐
Avatar of 561renzo


2024-05-08 11:24:25

yeah i mean the train
the train there we go
lock away
oh are you locking your phone away
what do you mean bro or you know looking here phone away bro does that even mean they're like why are you locking your shit away but shave what i'm trying to train then things can get really scary your heart can start pumping all crazy you got a lot of dopamine and
okada dr
she geez you get emotional as a trainer that's why i locked my phone away so i get rid of the thoughts oh god
i think she was enjoying
my drawn out
oh no and johnno oh no
no don't open it
please just let me open it one time i won't tell anyone but this is part of your strap just let it go let it ride
just a quick peek row one month one though oh
oh no i'm about three thousand dollars ah
walk away look away look away you