Sometimes the most unexpected gets caught on camera so you make a little video about it. I hope you find the courage to say hello to a random stranger, be it in class, in the office, or on the streets. A simple hello and smile can be the start for new friendships - thank you @norse_itadakimasu for saying hello and for making my day. I was feeling rather burnt out when filming this video, but you showed me that there are kind souls out there waiting to connect, to just meet new people and learn from their path of life. Thank you for inspiring me ◡̈

Have a great day peeps!
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2024-05-08 14:09:55

here with
our new friend
we're going to go for breakfast or do you want to sell
let's see we ended up getting coffee at tartine bread pies in vancouver it was such a random encounter but i'm so glad i got to meet a new face thanks for saying hello paro you made my day