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Via @glucosegoddess
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2024-04-29 08:50:31

more glucose spikes you have the more wrinkles you're going to get there's this process in your body called
location and this is the process of cooking
that a human body goes through from the moment they're born into the diet
and location shows on your skin as wrinkles but it also impacts your organs and now location
is something that we cannot stop it's just a part of life you're cooking when you're fully cooked you die and that's but we can impact
quickly or slowly it happens
and one of the ways we can impact how stony or cookie it happens is with our ecosystems
so the more nicole spikes we have
and the more glucose spikes we have from sweet foods actually faster location happens
the faster we're going to get wrinkles the faster we're gonna cook the best we're going to aid in the festival gonna die