you were in charge of the world
would you teach people how to get rich or would you teach people how to go to school listen to the instructions become liberals listen to the news go to work pay taxes then
why would you want to free your slaves you're in charge of the world
and you taught people how to make money than you couldn't use money to control people you'd have to use something real to control like land
food when money isn't real they can make up money
i'm in charge of the world
and i can control people with money but i can also print as much money as i so i can control everybody forever
why would i tell people how to make their own money because then i couldn't control them
i couldn't make them give up their lives slaving away at john say hey for not enough money to even pay their bills and the people who are in charge don't want you to know how to make money which is why they never teach you how to make money in school