Keep Your Day Trading Simple | Interview With @humbledtrader

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2024-04-29 05:09:49

there was one trader that i knew and all he would do
is a short resistance and buy support short of resistance by support all day long and then there was another trailer that would just keep
ah buying air resistance because you kept trying to buy the breakout
it doesn't work okay so if you just yeah as
a shorting resistance and covering i know it sounds really simple but think about next time your training is
are you shorting or selling at resistance
are you buying a covering at support or are you panic selling as support and panic buying air resistance
so i always use a chart
chart is the simplest way to determine things so always
use support as your exits if you're shorting
and if you're like longing always use resistance as yourself if you keep it that simple and those sep product price targets in your head like for example you buy stock at five like it's going to go to fifteen i'm gonna retire
market doesn't care by your arbitrary price target but sell at resistance or you short a stock five it's going to have an offering go to one market doesn't care cover it support