From Ordinary to Oscar-Worthy 🌟

You hold the pen to your life's narrative. 🖋 Write the story you've always dreamt of and embody it daily. Step into the lead role, rehearse, refine, and relentlessly pursue it until that role becomes your reality.

Speaker: @johnassaraf

#createyourlife #lawofattraction #manifestyourdreams #universe #powerofthemind #mindpower #raiseyourvibration #manifestationmagic #positivethinking #everythingisconnected #infinitepossibilities #johnassaraf
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2024-04-29 04:54:46

imagine if
i give you
a hollywood script right now
and i say to you
um if you learn this script
for the next six months
i will give you ten million dollars
to be on stage to deliver that we're gonna film you
and if you're amazing
you're gonna have a chance to win an academy award
what will you do with the script starting today
i start to learn
to learn and you start to read it to start to emotionally that you started to practice interest doctor you start to do everything possible
to become
something that's in writing
something that came out of somebody's head
that they wrote a script for that you don't have any idea what it is
if you made a commitment
to becoming that person
and you rehearsed it and practiced it every day
you wouldn't get it right the first day
or the first week
on the first level for the first month
but if you knew there was a big payday
emotionally spiritually financially
and that people would go to the theaters and loved to watch it and they'd laugh or cry or be sad and be happy
because you were able to take them on a beautiful emotional rollercoaster ride
then you would become that role