how beautiful it was
when rumi wrote
what is love
perfect thirst
my heart is like a loot
each chord crying with longing and pain
my beloved is watching me
wrapped in silence
first when i was apart from you
this world did not exist nor any other
second whatever i was looking for was always you
when i say the word you i mean a hundred universes i shall talk to you with no words i shall whisper to you
no ears will hear even if among the crowd
i tell my story
i know my tales can only nest in your ears
because of your love
i'll be dancing and floating in this air as a speck of dust
to finally settle into your house
be the one who when you walk in
blessing shifts to the one who needs it most
even if you've not been fed
bee bread
i wish life had some sort of a tongue to unveil the mystery of our lives
whatever you say about life you must know you are casting another layer on top of the veil