Parental regret is probably one of the most taboo topics I can think of. If childfree women often feel afraid to be honest with themselves and others about not wanting kids, I can’t imagine how afraid regretful moms are to admit their truth.

When women consider whether to have children, the thought pattern skews heavily towards “what if I regret not having them?” instead of “what if I regret having them?”

I think there are a lot of factors at play here, including FOMO and societal conditioning around motherhood, but it’s also because we [understandably] don’t hear women come out en masse and say they regret having their kids. I’m grateful social media can provide a safe space for these folks (i.e. Reddit r/regretful parents and Facebook’s “I regret having children” page).

There are a few moms who have bravely voiced their regret in my comments. Your voices are important, valued, and welcome in this community ❤️

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2024-04-29 04:39:43

regret it not having children
do you ever regret having them