upper is toxic according to the medical medium well
i will continue to keep drinking out of my copper just like all the copper pipes that used to be around america in nineteen ten nineteen twenty nineteen thirty nineteen forty
until about world war two they all started disappearing
and the whole copper is toxic is an interesting thing because our body is primarily copper and carbon
so how can copper be toxic
and then the other thing too is
copper and carbon create electricity what are we electrical beings
if we don't have electricity our body doesn't function that's why use a zapu back to life
and people used to wear copper to get rid of inflammation and pain
that was a big one down in the south they used to wrap people with copper so they could get rid of inflammation and pain and osteoporosis
so it doesn't make a lot of sense that copper is toxic to our bodies if it is part of our body
that's for sure
and remember there are people as i always say this there are people paid
to say something of a certain way
to get people away from something