so very controversial but we do not like the raw food diet as many reasons for this and i know we're gonna piss the law people off by hayhoe our page so all fuckin opinion
the reason why we don't like raw food guy is that you are drowning your dog and ninety five percent meat-based diet
the biggest emphasis on this is that it's not organic and is not grass-fed or is not paid by pastor raise therefore that you are directly feeding your dog a lot of chemicals of herbicides and pesticides if you're feeding your dog raw food diet and it's organic and it is the point that i've just made and go ahead do it but we do not like the raw food diet because we feel like is very acidic you are drowning the body in a lot of meat they would never ever ever eat that much meat their bodies and their nanny and their biology is not meant to eat that much because remember they're omnivores not carnivores we're not saying don't feed your dog me but we're saying we do not believe that the raw food diet is the best form of diet for your dog is that a whole food diet homecooked diet and a little bit of a more of a mixture between fetch
virgin grains and legumes and seeds and meats and oils and mushrooms mixed together is definitely the best diet and if you look at the research the longest lived dogs are never on a low fat diet