the craziest thing that happened in in capetown
cape town too
if you have money and by money i mean literally you could have a dollar and go to cape town and your a millionaire
i mean look we went to cape town is a few of my friends combined were probably make twenty per year so this is a year ago we're like
we're very loaded considering cape town and we went to this club they didn't have any tables
and we told them like a it wasn't really an option i was like we're we're gonna sit here just i pretty much said what's the number and as a joke i think the guy was like saying like oh like will bring the card reader out i said no i'm serious and we offered thirty thousand rounds which is like two thousand dollars us he looks at me like you will swipe now mature bro he brings out a car router module it's not like
america where they like bring a cheque and card he like ran inside grabbed a card reader this a packed club it's it's still packed it's great a lot of americans brings a card reader out to me boom put the card in approved eighteen hundred thirty thousand rand when i tell you he cleared out a full tape like there's fifteen people at a table he just said like buy
and we sat down proceeded to spend probably like one hundred thousand ram and it was really fun i love soft yellow tape down shut up and annoying kid talk