The 2 habits I would encourage everyone to do. #raydalio #principles #meditation #mindfulness
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2024-04-28 17:07:22

the two things that i did in my life that i would say were the most impactful
learn how to meditate
that gives me
an equanimity that helps a lot
and then um thinking about principles that when ever i would encounter something
most importantly painful things but any thing
that i would um roof reflect
realities that happened in my interactions with it
and then i would write down the principle so i started to do that also in the company because i needed to communicate with other people why am i doing it what is this crazy place like and why are we doing it that way
so i want to encourage people to do that that's also why
i put out a journal just recently lot of people asked me to
help them write their own principles so i just put out a journal so that's those are the things i'd really want to encourage if
people can
i encourage meditation and i would also encourage
the riding down their principles