excuse me
so sorry to bother you here but i noticed you i think you look absolutely amazing thank you very much
i'm a photographer yeah and i'd take pictures of people
i just had coffee with my husband
he's working home i had a look around some shops and i'm boring what's your name
how long have you been married forty two years she's forty two since nigeria to maneuver leading i'm seventy
wow so what's the secret
name last apples into santos to
say had an amazing career yeah
did very well yeah
people believing in me maybe i didn't believe in myself why didn't you believe in yourself
self-confidence people would never have believed when i was working i wasn't a confident person
actually ended up doing some things on radio and television news
interviews you know
through my work or store i say i can't do this and i think you're when
do you say write and get yourself together i say to my girls to start two opportunities come to pass not to pause it's still
putting up this nobody's watching what anyone needs to
just like standing right there let's ask
what i haven't disappointed you watch and of course not
and i can see a little bit of stock you have
and i am so thrilled that i stopped getting busy with so friendly so talkative even so open and you look great