Progress depends on the unreasonable 🚀
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2024-04-29 09:13:29

and george bernard shaw he says the reasonable man
adapts himself to the world
the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world
to himself
therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man
and if we're looking at a staircase right a linear trajectory step by step by step by step the unreasonable man
while everyone is on step two
builds step three
and it doesn't make sense to the world
and sometimes it doesn't even make sense to the person building it's it's out there
right how can you justify or rationalize something that does not exist a life that has not been created
you can't
but if you believe it and you build it
ultimately materializes ultimately it becomes that step
and then people see it and they stand on it then you see it and you stand on it then it becomes part of your day-to-day life
that is not reasonable it is not easy
but the best things in life never are