Why Elon Musk is Not on Instagram

➡️ @neurolinkx
➡️ @alan_ncx

🎬© Joe Rogan Podcast #elonmusk #instagram #elonmuskquotes #markzuckerberg #elonmuskfan #podcast #joerogan #joeroganpodcast #ceopodcast #startup #entrepreneur #socialmedia
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2024-04-28 14:34:47

i don't use instagram i'm sure you don't i mean i i mean there was a time where i'd posting in instagram but
i found myself doing selfies
and i'm like what the hell is wrong with me
why am i posing
with selfies to get likes this is crazy
bizarre um
and like
so then i was like
you know if if if you republish yourself isn't on
on twitter that people would
jump all over yeah yeah yeah they like what's it
like what's wrong with you that's so true