Wait until the end 😭🤦🏽‍♂️ #mississauga #peelregion #toronto
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2024-04-28 21:31:13

what's the best and worst restaurant in mississauga best restaurant row easy osmosis took a fat stinky shit after but it was where it was where that loci were so i feel like lizzie velasquez last night i say best restaurants gotta be pizza pizza dough that shits fire wars gotta be mcdonald's elachi fell off man the best restaurant early tomorrow drink places thirsty their muddy milk is fucking blaspheme went there awesome shiver maturity we got fucking freaky on a farm it was great worse restaurants red lobster nash is a mad expensive fucking runs my pocket some bullshit is that sanrio yeah the fuck you mean
okay okay burrito boys and the worst
worse kfc i hate i hate the people that go there huh