The story of Bill Bradley from my book “Mastery”.

Hope you enjoy it.

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2024-04-29 05:22:39

like in the book about the great basketball player bill bradley he's white and he went to princeton he became a new york knick in the late sixty s and then he became a united states senator he was very brilliant he was a rhodes scholar etc the bill bradley
loved basketball from very early on it's kind of like tiger woods and and golf but he realised that the only thing he had going from study was tall he couldn't jump very well he wasn't physically give nearly as gifted as other people he just loved the game so he put himself through the most intensely tedious and boring practice routines that he invented in order to make himself a better basketball player so he would set up chairs in his little room and he would dribble in between the chairs until he could do it without ever having looked down at his hand he created these glasses could only see forward he couldn't look down and one time
he was so single-minded family went on a cruise
and he took this incredibly long alleyway in the on the cruise ship down on a lower deck you were those classes and you dribbled two hundred yards and back back and forth with his blinders on so what happened was through all this practice is he could dribble incredibly well without ever looking down think of all the incredible boring hours he put into that but and i tell people this if you can be creative with your practice so he was very creative with his boring routines that he made and he probably had some fun doing them like kids would make things like that