Do you think doctors should be required to be “on call” 24/7 in order to help in situations like this? I’d love to hear your thoughts! Let’s chat in the comments👇🏽
Avatar of alirodmd


2024-04-29 01:42:02

yeah hear about the medical doctor that refused to provide medical assistance or medical help
during a flight when they made the overhead announcement are there any doctors onboard that could help us
doctor so i wanted to get your perspective and opinions on the situation doctor himself went to social media to explain the story and why he refused to provide care he says that he's an internal medicine hospitalist
and that he works at a major hospital it wasn't a long flight and he said that even before the flight he was in the
airport lounge and had several drinks and then while he was
in the airplane he was enjoying relaxing
and he had a couple of drinks during the flight
he went on to say that he was pretty boost and felt drunk
but that's why he didn't provide care
and the passenger sitting next to him tap to shoulder when she saw that he wasn't responding to the situation
and was like hey did you hear the announcement your doctor go help
and he was like dope not going to
passenger next to him was pretty nasty was upset
and said that if the passenger died it was going to be his fault
and while the doctor's response was like i'm on vacation this is my time to relax i'm allowed to drink and relax and
do what i want with my time
i want your opinion do you think the doctor made the right choice he goes on to say that yes he's a doctor but he shouldn't be required to be on-call
twenty four seven he should be allowed to just be on vacation and do what he wants this time
let me know in the comments what do you think