most people do is they say i want the new house a new car the new relationship and then they visualize that but when they visualize it they never get in touch with how it would feel if it happened they're hypnotized into feeling the emotion when it happens so they may do a little meditation and they open their eyes in their senses say it's not there what do they do they experience more lack
you have to truly change the enclosure eyes disconnect from the environment sit your body down they'll get up and do anything and now
teach your body emotionally what that future feels like before it happens you have to stay in the feeling that future in order for you to be aligned to that destiny
when there's a vibrational match between your energy
that's synchronized with some potential in the quantum field
to no longer have to go anywhere to get it you're gonna begin to draw events are experienced to you
and they're gonna come in a way that you cannot predict